Friday, September 26, 2008

Whose Fault Is It?

I am currently watching Harry Ried speaking on C-SPAN
and blaming the president (of course) for the economic crisis.  As I
understand it, Congress is generally more directly responsible for the
taxes and laws (effecting the economy) than the president.  That being
said, the economy was considered to not only be strong, but to be gaining strength, prior the arrival of the Democrats in the seat of power. 

On her first day as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi declared
that, "Today we change the direction of our country."  This country's
direction has indeed changed, although not for the better; it has gone
from growing and prosperous to weak and stagnated.  So to you Madam
Speaker I must offer my congratulations on a job well done.  Mission

Now fix your damn mess!


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